Sunday, December 16, 2007


I was fortunate to have the house to myself this afternoon while painting (walls) for my mother. After running out the usual cast of NPR programming I cued up one of my Rachel's albums.

From the first, I have been attracted to the total strength and certain darkness of the Rachel's compositions. Part of the drawing power, I believe, is in the nuance of their energy and the spectrum it covers. At times the movements seem bombastic and at others, subtle and intimate. It seems that the conjured emotions are similarly diverse; aspirational and lively mixed with brooding and volatile. Their music is almost always provocative and somehow inevitable.

The parallel with architecture? As I was painting I was thinking about the vitality of that dynamic energy and how these moments might manifest themselves within structure, volume, and light. I thought about the importance of the inclusion of diverse movements in design and the particular challenge with designing such a large and volumetric structure as a 1200' long hangar for Zeppelins. In short, designing with nuance and scale that will energize the experience beyond that of shear volume. -KD

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